Name: Nick Lammertyn (DarkPearl)

Day of birth: april 12, 1988

Country of origin: Belgium


Nick started playing piano at a pretty early age. Encouraged by his father he started attending the music academy at the age of 10. The first few years he was just a regular above-average student untill his teacher noticed by studying together he actually had an incredible musical intelligence. His teacher then took responsibility by teaching him outside of his regular studies. Not being noticed before, he soon became pretty known at the academy. The headmaster of the academy (who was a good friend of his father) started following the progress of Nick and decided after a few years to teach Nick himself.

At that moment he had already skipped one year and after a few more years he graduated from the academy (he was 16 at the time). He received his diploma 3 years early. After that he took a year off, in this year he actually started composing himself. He still gave a few concerts with his connections in the academy and was asked to join the Yamaha composition competition in 2004. This was actually his third competition, but it was definitly his biggest succes. He won and was actually given his grand piano.

Now he is being taught by Bart Deroo and is followed closely by Robert Groslot ( 2 of Belgium's biggest pianist/composers/directors).

Nick always had admiration for the compositions in game music and so decided to join vgpiano. Hopefully he can live up to his name in this community.